Tippecanoe School Corporation
The 2020 Census counts for TSC
Sue Scott

The 2010 Census missed more than 10 percent of all children under age five in the United States. Efforts are underway in our community to make sure every child gets counted this year because the population count impacts funding for our schools.

In March, the U.S. Census Bureau will mail postcards reminding everyone to fill out the questionnaire. The data gathered determines how many representatives states are given in the U.S. House of Representatives and how federal funds are distributed.

The TSC receives more than $2 million a year in federal funding to support the hiring of additional classroom aides, EL (English Language) learning materials, school resource officers and community outreach activities.

“We are one of the fastest growing school districts in the state, so it is important to get everyone counted,” says TSC Superintendent Dr. Scott Hanback. “The federal Title grant programs provide much needed resources to help address needs at schools with a higher percentage of students from low income families. This helps ensure that all students are prepared to meet challenging state academic standards.”

Other funding supports instructional coaches, professional development for teachers, social and emotional learning initiatives and advanced classes in the arts and foreign languages.

“Failure to get an accurate count of children will result in a loss of funding for our schools,” says Hanback. “Please fill out the form. Your participation matters.”

By April 1 households will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census online, by mail or by phone. The form is available in 13 different languages. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect any personal information and keep it confidential.

For more information go to census.indiana.edu.